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About Us

Transforming to Digital, Together!

Spectre MD is an independent Information Technology company focusing on digital innovation solutions incorporated in Malaysia. It was built around group of people with experience and expertise in IT that includes solutions development, implementation & transformation and services.

Digital transformation is changing businesses, with technology radically improving performance. The pace of change is accelerating. And every country, city and business is on a journey to become digital. Together we help our customers realise their future through technology. We’re innovating to improve how they use and simplify IT. We’re helping them harness and secure data. We’re supporting how they stand out, remain relevant, and grow.

Technology enables agility, the trademarks of which are:

Marketing strategy

In 2020 alone, growth within the digital economy has understandably accelerated as the COVID-19 pandemic gave birth to new digital businesses, forced traditional brick-and-mortar enterprises to pivot online, and saw millions of Malaysians go virtual for their eCommerce, entertainment, and even education needs.

New Normal

  • Create an inclusive digital society
  • Build trusted, secure and ethical digital environment

Immediate Processing

  • Managing change for effective digital transition.
  • Searching out innovative ways to deliver maximum convenience.

Round-the-Clock Availability and Convenience

  • Online solution processing can be done round the clock 24/7 using any devices

User Friendly and Easy Accessibility

  • Access from any location and at any time 
  • Leverage digital technology.
  • Reduce cost with multi payment mode.

To become more agile

Technology enables businesses to become connected yet flexible. Decision-making time reduces, and learning cycles are made shorter. With digital transformation, vast amounts of data points can be measured and analysed with the goal of improvement and greater agility.

Our Vision

To act as a one stop centre of digital solution
provider offering a comprehensive digitise innovation
ideas for a multi-tier market segmentation

Our Mission

To evolve, grow and reshape our world. To make a positive impact on human life and businesses in the future through our innovative and cutting edge technology solutions.

Our Value

Leadership by Example. A commitment to set standards in our business and transactions and be an example for the industry and our own teams.

Get to Know Our Team

Sallehuddin Ishak Chief Executive Officer
Meor Saifulizam Meor Ban Chief Operating Officer
Siti Nurhijjah Che Long Senior Solution Analyst
Mohd Afiq Asyraf Amron Technical Manager
Syazwan Aizad Marzuki Cloud Infrastructure Manager
Mior Syah Zahid Mior Sajak Assistant Business Development
Nor Lina Database Administrator
Nur Zafirah Zabani Junior Programmer
Siti Nur Adilah Mansor System Analyst

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